Esteem Cleaners was selected "Cleaner Of The Year" for the entire state of California, by the California Cleaners Association. Since 1942, only ONE cleaner is chosen annually to receive this honor. It is like the "OSCARS" of the cleaning industry.
Esteem Cleaners believes in giving back to the community and is active in many civic organizations. It received the Vocational Service Leadership Award from Rotary International Ray organizes clothing donations annually.
Ray has chaired the Greater Los Angeles Dry Cleaners Association's annual "Coats For Kids" clothing drive where they cleaned over 20 thousand lbs. & distributed them to the needy.
Ray has been instrumental in helping an orphanage called Estado 29 near Ensenada, Mexico for the past 9 years. He goes there about 4-5 times/year. The orphanage website is
Ray has been a proud member of the Rotary Club in Glendale, CA for the over 10 years. He has cleaned clothes for the Delancey Street organization, in helping them get back on their feet.
Ray has been on the Board of Directors of the Southern California Cleaners Association since 1987.
Ray helped raise funds & accompanied a group of Surgeons to perform Cleft Lip & Palate surgery in a village near Bangalore, India. in Aug-Sept 2006. He was the official PhotoJournalist for that trip. His group performed over 125 surgeries.
Hi-Tech Meets Skilled Workers – Employee training is extremely important. It benefits the business as well as its clients because it improves quality. Training ensures on-time deliveries and minimizes mistakes. One of Esteem's unique machinery is the Automated Assisted Assembly .
This sophisticated system sorts, assembles without human error. This new technology allows us to reassign team members to more challenging roles as in quality control because some aspects of the business still require human intervention – like checking for missing buttons. (Let’s face it, there is no technology that checks for loose buttons).